Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I was wondering before why people in the Philippines celebrate "monthsary" - that is, why do they celebrate a relationship for persisting for only a month. I thought, "Don't these people expect their relationship to last for at least a year?" I mean, shouldn't relationships be measured in years and not months?
The concepts of loyalty, faithfulness and patience run strong inside me. For me, if you do not want to commit to a relationship (and I mean commit) that has its responsibilities, considering the character of the person you would be going into a relationship with, then you should not get into it in the first place. It would be a waste of time and emotion, for me.
Are people so low in character, nowadays, that staying in a relationship for a month is already feat? I learned, probably. And there also other factors.
I got myself (or maybe, coerced a person to join me) into a sort of compromise agreement in relationship. I refer to it personally as a compromise agreement because, as I mentioned earlier, a relationship entails a set of responsibilities and expectations. The relationship I got into only has one rule - no committment.
I learned immediately the moment she agreed of the dilemma I got myself into - I violated my own "policies," and I saw a relationship that is bound to fall. Before, when I thought of a future relationship, I thought it would endure. My first should be my only and my last. With the relationship I got into, it was like I asked someone to have a revolver loaded with one bullet, but I am not certain if that person would really put a bullet in the gun. Everytime I pull the trigger, I don't know if I would be able to live and wait for the next pulling of the trigger.
People nowadays perhaps realize (including me) that a relationship is not as easy as two people getting into a "yes" or "I agree." They consider the other person. They consider the weaknesses of the other person, as well as their strengths. They consider what may have happened in the past that may affect the present or is currenty affecting the present. They consider the level of committment between them. They also consider what they have gone through before. Why go into a relationship that is almost bound to hurt them both?
I do not like 1 Corinthians 13 - it's so much a cliche on Biblical reference on love. But just this once, I have to use it. Because it is what I used to go through the clouds of doubt and fear that I have for my relationship with her.
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. (1 Corinthians 13:8 NIV)
If you fear of the future, then that fear will eat you alive.
If you rely on senseless words (arguments and quarrels), love will not grow.
If you rely on expectations too much, you would eventually not love your partner but the person you want him/her to be.
Love relies on trust, hope and perseverance. With that, I hope and hold on.
And pray.
It does not matter what time now you look into the future - you just enjoy the present while preparing for tomorrow. And enjoy now with the person. For in the end, not that it does not matter, but it is the person that does matter. Time and place are fleeting, but the person, while "like a flower ofthe field," in which "the wind blows over it and it is gone," (Psalm 103:15,16 NIV), is "crowned... with glory and honor" (Psalm 8:5 NIV).
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34 NIV)
I love her.

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