Saturday, August 27, 2005


Pure, Proper and Complete.
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It's been a long while since I was able to add an entry here. Spammers have even used this to advertise. I hate it.
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Being in the voice contact point is very challenging. I have to re-consider the wisdom of volunteering here, but I guess I have considered properly the options, factors and viewed outcomes.
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Useless. It is useless. It is proper not to look to far into the future, nor make any prophecies.
"... where there there are prophecies, they will cease..." (1 Cor 13:8b NIV).
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I have found a person that I didn't think I would see again - not because he is good in hiding, but I have almost lost my interest in finding him. But just out of the blue, out of an unlikely situation, we have met.
And I thank God I have seen him. Now, we're back in contact.
I have to develop the organizational website again. heheheh.
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Interest in learning is important so that any small number or quantity of inputs grows into a form that is so far from the small input - like a seed that becomes a tree. That's what I hope to come to. And that's what I hope to have some particular people come to so that they would learn and appreciate learning.
Learning is not easy - but no valuable thing is ever free. Except for salvation.
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When would I give up? Soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

UP in the corporate environment

This must be challenging. I volunteered for Voice Cable, but now, I feel like I am slowing down the class. Not because I don't understand the lessons, but because I have experience which contradict the lessons.
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I know a lot because of experience. I don't understand why other people don't have such experiences. But I guess it's part of my contra-inferiority complex working.
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The people I admire are really working, just in ways not with me. But I still admire them. It's because of such character that I admire them.
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An individual in a relationship is not always happy in a relationship. But it is not because solely of happiness that a person enters into a relationship - but rather because of love and committment.
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Training is stressful if you get involved well. It's like being in love, I guess.