Wednesday, August 03, 2005

UP in the corporate environment

This must be challenging. I volunteered for Voice Cable, but now, I feel like I am slowing down the class. Not because I don't understand the lessons, but because I have experience which contradict the lessons.
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I know a lot because of experience. I don't understand why other people don't have such experiences. But I guess it's part of my contra-inferiority complex working.
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The people I admire are really working, just in ways not with me. But I still admire them. It's because of such character that I admire them.
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An individual in a relationship is not always happy in a relationship. But it is not because solely of happiness that a person enters into a relationship - but rather because of love and committment.
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Training is stressful if you get involved well. It's like being in love, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. training is not stressful if you love what you are doing.

    love should not be stressful...
