Saturday, February 18, 2006

Category 3 A$$shole

Long time. Miss posting here. Anyway, guess there are a lot of things to write about. Work. Friends. Love. Life.
Let's start with a lecture.
Categories of a$$holes.
Category 1 - These are the serious players. They play with people's feelings like they play with a ball for leisure - not even for a purpose. They don't know and don't even bother to know if they hurt people with what they do. I've seen some of these - not just in relating with people but with managing as well. Managing is not primarily about resources, but primarily about managing human resources, or people.
Category 2 - These are the people who know they hurt, but they don't care. It's like they take pleasure in pissing everyobody off.
Category 3 - This is where I think I belong. They know they hurt people, but they do it for a purpose. Of course, they don't compromise on another aspect of their life. In a movie, these are the characters that you see like they are justified, but it is just that they don't know how to communicate effectively. Like, "Why can't you just tell them what happened?" You really can't blame them, but they break the relationship. So they are a$$holes.
Like me.
* * *
Work has been easier. It's just difficult being called "Randy" instead of a christened name or a self-appointed nickname. Worse, that name is the name of the person of the creep who did not approve my... whatever. I'm just being bitter, I think.
* * *
It's been an awesome time with my two lady friends. They have been good listeners and "interrogators". I miss them. I don't want them to know, but I simply do miss them. Really, I don't want to meet them, sometimes, because, like I told them (or one of them, I think), when I meet them and have a time with them, I realize and feel how much I miss them and their value is made more tangible - by the feeling.
The value of the "date" is even enhanced when my mind drifts while I try to sleep (just before I type this article) - that they make me feel at ease and I really take a rest. I am not pretending to be anything like I do at work or with a person that I'm supposed to be knowing and letting myself known. With them, I am happy that I make funny faces, they laugh with genuine appreciation, and love that I know are complete. What friends I have.
* * *
I am again torn between adulthood and youth. I didn't know how to think of people, particularly people of the opposite sex. It's like this: when I see a girl, she's either too young or too mature. I don't know what's the type that I would like.
I see a path that is easier but I'm not sure if I would like to trek that one yet: Single. It's sort of easier: hard when it comes to romance, easier when going through the long dull predictable path of life that I tend to become attached to. Surprises are small parts that I don't appreciate yet when they come as normal. Surprises when they are not appreciated are unexpected contingencies or crises.

1 comment:

  1. ass·hole

    What a guy turns into when he makes a good thing turn completely bad again. When he says stupid shit, because he doesn't know how to handle things. You're an asshole, when you take someobody you care about and for some stupid fucking pathetic reason, you turn them against you. An asshole is a shitfaced bastard of the world.But it takes somebody special, to let them realize that they've fucked up bad again.
