Monday, June 06, 2016

Freedom of information - from those that provide us information

I am thinking that members of the press or the media being mandated (as in by law) to file their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN).

While I am not saying that they should be paid by the government (meaning, us, the public), I am proposing the idea for the simple reason that their work has a big stake in shaping public policy as well as government action. I think that those who criticize the government, or any of its branches, should have the confidence to present itself as aboveboard and serves no particular interest. Or, if they do, then we should be aware of it.

There is no such thing as objective media. Everyone has an interest (Yes, even me!). What's important is that we, the public as their (the Executive, the Legislative, the Judiciary, and the Press), should know their interests, which the basic info can be gleaned at through the SALN.

Of course, it's not just submitting SALN, they should be covered by the same provisions. That you file all your financial interests, and misrepresentation will be considered an offense against Republic Act No. 6713, or the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees,"

They have the power. They should be given the same level of responsibility.

Why shouldn't they. They demand transparency. Shouldn't the same be expected of them, who claim they are the bastions of democracy? How do we know that those who guard it are not wolves in sheep's clothing?

Just another perspective.

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