Saturday, June 28, 2014

Blogging on Technology for Teaching

Back in 2008, I started an idea of blogging about technology for teaching, which includes technology not just for learning but also for the teaching profession. Unfortunately, I was not able to go beyond a few chapters, which mostly were introductory concepts, like hardware, software, and peopleware. That was in 2008, when I was still working at UP. Now, I work at a busier agency.

Still, I wanted to pursue that book, but I feel that I want to start with blogging the chapters instead, so that I can also get feedback about each item or topic that I want to talk about.

I would probably start with re-posting old posts about factors to consider when making decisions related to technology for teaching. (I recognize that a lot of things have happened since 2008, like the Google Docs becoming a mature system to Google Drive now. I hope to update these articles soon.)

I have a few ideas I hope to pursue, and I will post it there. For my first post, I will post my preliminary outline, which may change over time, of course.

So, I hope that new blog will help those who want to learn more how to leverage technology (particularly free and open source ones) to maximize learning opportunities.

See the first post in the next few weeks at

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