Friday, June 05, 2015

Random Typing

I've been in the Planning Division for more than six months now. For the first two months, we have been very busy with complying with the requirements of the Administrative Order No. 25 (s. 2011) mandated Performance-Based Bonus (PBB), and facilitating the performance evaluation system among our units in ranking which among them are the Best, Better, and Good. From December of 2014 to January of 2015, we facilitated the organizational planning process, including the crafting of performance contracts among all Third Level Officials. We hope that we did a better job this time such that during evaluation, we will no longer have to issue ad-hoc guidelines which frustrate everyone.

From February to May (until beginning of of June), the Planning Division facilitated our agency's compliance with the Enhanced Career Executive Service Performance Evaluation System (CESPES) of the Career Executive Service Board. CESPES is the performance management system mandated by the CESB, which is the agency created to professionalize management officials of all agencies in the bureaucracy. In between, we also reviewed and revised our Performance Management System manual, facilitated the close-out of our performance management system development project with a consultant, and run a mixed channel survey to improve our process and guidelines in the PBB.

As you may know (if you read my previous post), I have been personally crafting a proposal and design of a Performance Management Information System (PMIS) to complement our newly approved performance management system.

Below is my tentative design:

Of course, these are all in addition to rush instructions, regular and special meetings, and coordination work, among others.

I know I wanted to write something today, but I can't remember them. So for now, I have only this to come out of my fingers.

Oh, yes. I'm joining the Run United 2 tomorrow!

I just want to insert this quickly: Saw this book on Crowdsourcing performance management reviews in Fully Booked in Makati yesterday. It looks interesting. I hope to get a copy so that we can see if it is appropriate for us.

That's all for now. Next time, I should write things I want to blog about in my Google Keep note.